Chapter Introduction | |
D03EAF | Elliptic PDE, Laplace's equation, two-dimensional arbitrary domain |
D03EBF | Elliptic PDE, solution of finite difference equations by SIP, five-point two-dimensional molecule, iterate to convergence |
D03ECF | Elliptic PDE, solution of finite difference equations by SIP for seven-point three-dimensional molecule, iterate to convergence |
D03EDF | Elliptic PDE, solution of finite difference equations by a multigrid technique |
D03EEF | Discretize a second-order elliptic PDE on a rectangle |
D03FAF | Elliptic PDE, Helmholtz equation, three-dimensional Cartesian co-ordinates |
D03MAF | Triangulation of plane region |
D03PCF | General system of parabolic PDEs, method of lines, finite differences, one space variable |
D03PDF | General system of parabolic PDEs, method of lines, Chebyshev C0 collocation, one space variable |
D03PEF | General system of first-order PDEs, method of lines, Keller box discretisation, one space variable |
D03PFF | General system of convection-diffusion PDEs with source terms in conservative form, method of lines, upwind scheme using numerical flux function based on Riemann solver, one space variable |
D03PHF | General system of parabolic PDEs, coupled DAEs, method of lines, finite differences, one space variable |
D03PJF | General system of parabolic PDEs, coupled DAEs, method of lines, Chebyshev C0 collocation, one space variable |
D03PKF | General system of first-order PDEs, coupled DAEs, method of lines, Keller box discretisation, one space variable |
D03PLF | General system of convection-diffusion PDEs with source terms in conservative form, coupled DAEs, method of lines, upwind scheme using numerical flux function based on Riemann solver, one space variable |
D03PPF | General system of parabolic PDEs, coupled DAEs, method of lines, finite differences, remeshing, one space variable |
D03PRF | General system of first-order PDEs, coupled DAEs, method of lines, Keller box discretisation, remeshing, one space variable |
D03PSF | General system of convection-diffusion PDEs with source terms in conservative form, coupled DAEs, method of lines, upwind scheme using numerical flux function based on Riemann solver, remeshing, one space variable |
D03PUF | Roe's approximate Riemann solver for Euler equations in conservative form, for use with D03PFF, D03PLF and D03PSF |
D03PVF | Osher's approximate Riemann solver for Euler equations in conservative form, for use with D03PFF, D03PLF and D03PSF |
D03PWF | Modified HLL Riemann solver for Euler equations in conservative form, for use with D03PFF, D03PLF and D03PSF |
D03PXF | Exact Riemann Solver for Euler equations in conservative form, for use with D03PFF, D03PLF and D03PSF |
D03PYF | PDEs, spatial interpolation with D03PDF or D03PJF |
D03PZF | PDEs, spatial interpolation with D03PCF, D03PEF, D03PFF, D03PHF, D03PKF, D03PLF, D03PPF, D03PRF or D03PSF |
D03RAF | General system of second-order PDEs, method of lines, finite differences, remeshing, two space variables, rectangular region |
D03RBF | General system of second-order PDEs, method of lines, finite differences, remeshing, two space variables, rectilinear region |
D03RYF | Check initial grid data in D03RBF |
D03RZF | Extract grid data from D03RBF |
D03UAF | Elliptic PDE, solution of finite difference equations by SIP, five-point two-dimensional molecule, one iteration |
D03UBF | Elliptic PDE, solution of finite difference equations by SIP, seven-point three-dimensional molecule, one iteration |